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Dein Zuhause, dein Stil – individuell und einzigartig mit DecoBundle

Wir machen Dekorieren einfach, persönlich und überraschend!

DecoBundle wurde aus der Leidenschaft geboren, Menschen zu helfen, ihr Zuhause zu einem einzigartigen und gemütlichen Ort zu machen. Wir glauben, dass dein Zuhause deine Persönlichkeit widerspiegeln sollte, und das ohne Stress und lange Suche nach den passenden Accessoires.

The key to personal well-being lies in the design of your living space.

The problem is that selecting and combining the right products is difficult and time-consuming, the variety of products on offer is overwhelming and one trend follows the next.

In autumn 2022, we came up with the idea for DecoBundle - a shopping assistant that takes care of the individual selection and combination of suitable decorations. At the same time, we set up Studio Portofino to enable the targeted purchase of decorations.

Our aim is to give everyone the opportunity to live comfortably and stylishly. Through individually compiled DecoBundles, we set small accents with which we achieve exactly that.

Jasmin - Co-Founder

Jasmin is an industrial engineer and co-founder of BlackBundle GmbH.

She enjoys designing and furnishing living spaces, placing particular emphasis on appealing and high-quality furnishings. With her experience in the management of operational and strategic corporate processes, she is responsible for the operational areas as well as the creative processes in the company.

Vincent - Co-Founder

Vincent is a business information scientist and co-founder of BlackBundle GmbH. 

As an expert in data analytics and machine learning and with experience in front-end and back-end development, he is responsible for the technical and financial sides of the company.